The Worthington Area Youth Baseball Association currently has two different teams that are in need of additional coaching help.
While there’s a lead coach that is a parent, someone else is needed to help out as an assistant coach. The board of directors feels strongly enough about encouraging this involvement that it has voted to increase the stipend to $600 for the season.
The basic commitment would be twice a week, whether it be game or practice and typically three weekend tournaments. The ages in which help is currently needed are 12u and 13u. The kids on these teams will really look up to these coaches, so it's asked that the ones who inquire be willing to commit to regular attendance, being a leader and being a good teacher of the game.
WAYBA is also looking for some who are interested in making some extra money this summer by umpiring games for all ages from our 7-8 year old teams through 14u. The pay for doing this is $30 per game, and two umpires per game are preferred. There are more than 40 games this summer that need to be covered with umpiring help.
Those who would like to learn more about the assistant coaching opportunities should reach out to Jason Turner at (507) 360-5261 or Those who would like to make some money umpiring, while also serving the younger kids coming up through WAYBA, should contact TD Hostikka at (507) 360-7783.