A Worthington Independent School District referendum that asked voters to invest $15.3 million to make multiple improvements at Worthington High School was soundly defeated Tuesday night.
With 29 of 29 precincts reporting, 68.54% of district voters – or, a total of 1,357 – voted no, while 31.46% of the votes – or, a total of 623 – voted yes. Vote totals are
unofficial until canvassing takes place later this week.
Among the high school improvements included in the plan were: building a new two-story, eight-classroom addition to address capacity needs; renovating and reconfiguring existing classroom space to support programming needs; renovating and expanding the kitchen and servery area and reconfiguring and expanding the cooler/freezer/dry storage space; renovating the existing office and student services area into a student commons and dining area to address capacity needs, and connecting the east and west sides of the building on the second level; and relocating the administrative offices and student services area to the north main entrance of the building to improve overall building security and provide better access to specialists.
Now, the school board will need to regroup and figure out how to best address the needs at the high school.
