WORTHINGTON — Plan to attend “Cover Crops: Setting up for Success” on Aug. 17, at the Southwest Research and Outreach Center, Lamberton. Check-in starts at 8:30 a.m., and the program will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., with lunch included. Plan to arrive on-time as a field tour of cover crop research trials will commence promptly at the start of the event, weather permitting. The event will be held, rain or shine.
While cover crops have the potential to provide many benefits, they are currently planted on a limited number of acres in Minnesota. The field day will highlight University of Minnesota research that provides guidance to help farmers successfully incorporate cover crops into Minnesota cropping systems.
Attendees will learn about the latest U of M cover crop research results and management considerations, the potential role for cover crops in carbon markets, and how various cover crops perform when planted in the summer. The program is for farmers with or without cover crop experience, as well as anyone who works with farmers and would like to learn more about cover crops.
Topics include interseeding cover crops in corn, summer seeding and prevent plant options, planting green and termination trial, residual herbicides, carbon sequestration and NCR-SARE resources and opportunities.
There is no cost to attend, thanks to sponsorship from Minnesota North Central Region- Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (MN NCR-SARE). Pre-registration is strongly encouraged by Aug. 11 for planning purposes. Later registrations and walk-ins are still welcome, but timely registration is required to ensure yourself a meal.
For further details and to register, visit https://z.umn.edu/covercropfieldday.
