The Worthington City Council on Monday evening will consider approval of a requested preliminary plat for a commercial subdivision located along Bioscience Drive and west of U.S. 59.
The proposed subdivision will create two lots and dedicate public right-of-way for the street. The city's Planning Commission considered the requested plat at its Feb. 7 meeting and voted unanimously to recommend its approval with conditions.
The subject property is currently owned by the Worthington Economic Development Authority and encompasses three separate parcels. An extension of Bioscience Drive was constructed through the property in 2016 along with associated utilities. In an effort to make the property ready for sale, the EDA is proposing to plat the three parcels into two lots with dedicated public right-of-way for the street.
The property under consideration is currently zoned ‘B-3’ General Business District and the proposed plat meets all standards for lot dimensions and size within this zoning district. Four additional easements will be required on the final plat to cover a small drainage pond, storm sewer, and two other stormwater structures. City staff is working with the surveyor to have these added to the final plat.
In a separate business matter, council members on Monday will consider a proposal from Midwest Alarm to furnish and install an integrated network video system at the fire station. The proposal includes six cameras placed throughout the office areas, apparatus bay and exterior. The cameras will record to the existing Eagle Eye server. The cost to furnish and install the system is $9,667.56.
Staff also requested a proposal to upgrade the existing access system, replacing the existing card reader and adding a remote Brivo Access system. The cost to furnish and install the access system is $14,077.08; the total cost of $23,744.64 would come from American Rescue Plan Act funds.
