Business conducted during Monday night's Worthington City Council meeting included the approval of plans for the 27th Street extension and authorization of the project for bids,
Council members will consider bids on the project, which carries an estimated cost of $604,500, during their Sept. 27 meeting. In a related matter, the council also approved a resolution to bond for the project to a maximum amount of $665,000, if necessary.
Additionally, following a public hearing, the council approved tax abatement under the Nobles Home Initiative for the construction of a two-family duplex located at 2343 and 2347 Cherrywood Lane. The request for the abatement came from KJSM Investments. The duplex consists of two approximately 1,629 square foot units with approximately 484-square-foot attached garages. The estimated value of the project is $670,000, which would generate approximately $7,131 in annual taxes utilizing the 2020 tax rate. The city’s share would be approximately $3,392.
Also approved was a second reading to a proposed ordinance to amend the Worthington City Charter to exempt zoning applications from certain requirements of Charter Section 4.05, which will allow these applications to be approved through just one council meeting rather than three. A public hearing was hosted on the matter earlier this month, with no public comments made.
A second reading of a proposed ordinance to establish a new “R-8" residential district was also approved Monday.