A $26,205,800 bid for the Worthington water treatment facility improvement project was awarded during Monday night's Worthington City Council meeting.
There were two bidders on the project: Gridor Construction Inc. of Buffalo and Rice Lake Construction Group of Deerwood. Gridor Construction was awarded the bid based on its total, which was about 3 percent lower than the bid submitted by Rice Lake Construction Group of Deerwood.
Worthington Public Utilities General Manager Scott Hain noted Monday to council members that the number of bids and their proximity to each other were deemed appropriate by Bolton & Menk, which WPU has contracted with for design services. Hain added that the bids came a little higher than what had been hoped, a result he also said wasn't surprising given current economic-related conditions.
A new wastewater treatment plant will be built on land east of the existing plant, of which some to-be-improvements components will still be used. Worthington's present wastewater treatment facility was originally constructed in 1962 and has gone through three renovation projects.
Among other business Monday night, the council -- along with the Worthington Economic Development Authority — approved a petition for improvements in the 27th Street roadway in connection with the Cemstone concrete plant to be built nearby. The council followed with similar action later in the meeting.The improvements are needed because of the high volume of truck traffic trips expected from the new Cemstone facility.
