Minnesota’s Presidential Nomination Primary took place Tuesday across the state, with President Joe Biden and Former President Donald Trump picking up expected victories. Biden received 70 percent of the vote in the Democratic primary statewide while Trump received 69 percent in the Republican primary.
In Nobles County, a total of 1,613 votes were cast in Tuesday’s primary, a total that Auditor-Treasurer Joyce Jacobs said was down 1% from the 2020 Presidential Nomination Primary. There are a total of 9,412 registered voters in the county. A total of 1,271 of those 1,613 ballots were cast in the Republican primary, 337 in the Democratic-Farmer-Labor primary and five in the Legal Marijuana Now Party.
Among Republican candidates in Nobles County, Trump picked up 992 votes for 78.05% compared to Nikki Haley’s 248, or 19.51%. Ron DeSantis had 18 votes, Chris Christie seven and Vivek Ramaswamy four; there were two write-ins.
Among Democrats, Biden picked up 256 votes for 75.96%. A total of 36 votes, or 10.68%, were cast for “Uncommitted,” while Minnesota U.S. House Rep. Dean Phillips received 23, or 6.82%.
Biden had 83.87% of the vote in Jackson County and Trump 80.31%. In Rock County, Biden earned 84.65% of Democrats’ votes and Trump had 80.20% of Republicans.’ Biden had 71.78% of DFL votes in Cottonwood County with Trump at 77.88%. In Murray County, Trump had 77.26% and Biden 87.4%.
