This week is Winter Hazards Awareness Week across Minnesota — which happens to coincide with the forecast for colder temperatures and potential snowfall later in the week.
Each day of Winter Hazards Awareness Week has a designated theme. Monday's focus is winter storms, Tuesday's is outdoor winter safety, Wednesday's is winter fire safety, Thursday's is indoor winter safety and Friday's is outdoor winter driving.
One change to keep in mind this winter is that the National Weather Service has made some changes to Winter Weather Hazard Alerts. In an effort to simplify the alert process, the weather service will be separating winter storm warnings according to categories of cold and snow.
Winter storm warnings will now be reserved for snowfall events. A cold weather advisory will be for when the “feels like” temperature is minus-30 degrees. An extreme cold warning will be when the “feels like” temperature is minus-40 degrees. "Feels like" is replacing wind chill.
