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Federal Rural Electric hosts annual meeting for 89th time

Federated Rural Electric in Jackson conducted its 89th annual meeting Aug. 1 virtually.

A total of 1,049 members voted by mail to create a quorum. Due to declining annual meeting attendance and increasing costs, Federated conducted a remote annual meeting using Zoom.

Members elected Tyler Ayers, Alpha, with 981 votes for District Three. Members re-elected Scott Thiesse, Welcome, for District Four versus Harold Knutson, Jackson, with 592 votes to 430 votes. On the Nominating Committee Marlys Runge, Lakefield, was elected for District One over Blake Rossow, Lakefield, with 553 votes versus 460 votes. Thomas Cunningham, Round Lake, ran unopposed and was elected with 988 votes for District Two.

After 24 years of service Federated Board President David A. Hansen is retiring from his District Three director position, effective December 31, 2024. He also served 14 years as Federated’s Board President.

In addition, Federated members approved amendments to the Federated Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation. The vote was 902 in favor and 57 opposed. The approved changes formalized allocating Federated Broadband capital credits to those electric members who also receive Broadband services, operating it as a cooperative and not as a subsidiary.

Members also voted to approve the 2023 Annual Meeting minutes and the 2024 Nominating Committee Meeting minutes.

Finally, Federated announced the winners from the annual meeting prize drawing. Members returning cast ballots were entered into a drawing for $1,000 worth of electric bill credits; these credits will be applied to the Aug. 5th electric bills. The winners are: $300 bill credit winner -- John Benck, Granada; $250 bill credit winner -- Larry J. Oelke, Heron Lake; $150 bill credit winner -- John Veenker, Windom. The six $50 bill credit recipients are: Judy Stumpf, Worthington; Larry Henning, Brewster; Chris Eisenmenger, Sherburn; Charles Rosen, Welcome; Larry Bell, Ceylon; and Geoffrey Johnson, Windom.

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