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Council approves 2025 final tax levy

Writer's picture: Radio WorksRadio Works

The Worthington City Council on Monday night approved a final tax levy of $7,946,381 for 2025, which represents a 9.51% increase over 2024.

Council members had approved in September a levy of $8,562,706, which reflected an 18% increase over 2024. Among contributing factors to the final tax levy figure are increases in salaries and benefits, operational costs for local option sales tax amenities including the aquatic center at JBS Field House, and a 35% increase in the improvement construction fund over 2024. City councilman Chad Cummings noted that repairing streets now cost nearly twice as much as it did three years ago.

In a separate matter Monday, the council approved a conditional use permit for Duininck Inc. that allows for the development and operation of an asphalt plant along with asphalt and concrete recycling, a portable crushing plant, and all related stockpiling, office, shop, and outdoor equipment storage. The asphalt plant will be located on the south side of 27th Street within the Worthington Bio Science Industrial Park Fourth Addition.

The planned plant will have access from 27th Street, which is paved from the edge of the city to U.S 59. Among the conditions are: 

  • Asphalt plants shall be located at least 300 feet from a residential or commercial district boundary or from a transition zone where the city’s comprehensive plan shows residential or commercial.

  • A 6- to 10-foot fence, or alternative screening methods, shall be required and approved by the City Planning Commission.

  • Asphalt plants shall be located on arterial or collector roadways or roads designed to accommodate frequent use by heavy vehicles.

  • All asphalt plants or expansion of existing plants shall require a conditional use permit. 

Council members also approved a change of zone for the planned Duininck site from ‘TZ’ Transition Zone District to ‘M-2’ General Manufacturing District. 

The Worthington Economic Development Agency, prior to Monday's city council meeting, approved a right-of-first-refusal request from DeRocher Brothers Construction of Akron, Iowa for a parcel of land in the city's Cecilee Addition.

DeRocher Brothers is in the planning and development stage of constructing market rate rental housing at the above parcel. The development may consist of up to five 12-unit apartments. The firm requested a right of first refusal for the parcel through April 30, 2025, while it continues to develop plans and cost estimates. 

Also during Monday's council meeting, amendments to the City of Worthington's compensation policies were approved. The joint City of Worthington/Worthington Public Utilities Compensation Committee met several times in recent weeks to discuss changes to the compensation plan. The goal behind the amendments is to enhance retention and attraction of current and future employees.

In another agenda item, council members approved amendment No. 3 to a lease between the city and the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for their use of the parking lot at Memorial Auditorium to perform motorcycle skills testing and related activities. This lease continues through April 30, 2030. 

The council also approved a revised agreement between the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the City of Worthington. The Department of Revenue's retainage fee will decrease from 1.3% to 1.0% on Jan. 1.

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