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City council orders improvements, plans for road work

Writer's picture: Radio WorksRadio Works

The Worthington City Council, following a public hearing, approved a resolution Monday night to order improvements and the preparation of plans for reconstruction work on Service Road and Service Drive.

The project is slated to include base reconstruction, resurfacing, curb and gutter, driveways and sanitary sewer services work for Service Road from Spring Avenue to Service Drive. The proposed work for Service Drive is the same as Service Road, along with water main reconstruction. Service Drive is to be extended from Spring Avenue to Trunk Highway 60, states an engineering department memo to city council members.

The cost of the work is expected to be about $2 million. A majority of that will come from money from the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s Local Road Improvement program.

Also Monday, in another engineering matter, the council -- after a public hearing -- passed a resolution ordering improvements and preparation of plans for East Ninth Avenue reconstruction. It also approved a revised task order with Bolton and Menk to provide preliminary engineering services for the East Flower Lane extension. The task order is not to exceed $65,000.

Bolton and Menk also figured into another agenda item Monday, as it received council authorization to advertise for bids for a 150’x 50, three-bay hangar unit at the Worthington Municipal Airport. The council had entered into an agreement with Bolton and Menk this past October to do design work for the project. Bids are scheduled for opening on Feb. 5 and recommendation on Feb. 24.

Among additional business, the council addressed numerous annual organizational items, including their committee appointments and the selection of councilwoman Amy Ernst as mayor pro tem.


Acting Monday night as the Worthington Economic Development Authority, the Worthington City Council approved the sale of land within the city's Bio Science Industrial Park Fourth Addition to Duininck Inc.


The EDA had approved this past August a purchase agreement for the land — which is designated as Lot 1, Block 1 in the Fourth Addition -- with an established sale price of $184,000. Duininck plans to construct and operate a new asphalt plant, shop, office, equipment storage areas and related stockpiling at the site. Previously, the EDA had acquired property located at 1000 Sherwood St. in late 2022 as part of a land swap transaction with Duininck. The intent of acquiring the property was to allow the ready-mix plant to relocate and have the Sherwood Street site redeveloped.


Additionally on Monday, council members approved a new contract agreement with I.U.O.E. Local #49, which represents non-salaried employees in the Water, Wastewater and Public Works departments as well as engineering technicians. The previous agreement expired on Dec. 31, 2024. 


The new three-year contract includes a 5.0% cost-of-living adjustment effective Jan. 1 of this year a 4.0% COLA effective Jan. 1, 2026, and a 4.0% COLA effective Jan. 1, 2027. The agreement also had amendments to the vacation schedule, extended sick leave conversion schedule and fitness facility reimbursement. The agreement also includes a provision to meet and confer regarding Minnesota Paid Leave at a future date prior to its implementation scheduled for Jan. 1, 2026. The Worthington Public Utilities Water and Light Commission approved the agreement during its Jan. 6 meeting.


In a separate matter Monday night, the council approved an amendment for an ordinance that extends Worthington's corporate city limits to include 70 acres of unplatted land abutting the city and owned by Bedford Industries.

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