The Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) is awarding more than $300,000 seed grants to 45 energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in communities across Minnesota. Communities are being funded for a wide scope of project, which range from educational outreach on clean energy incentives, to energy efficiency for manufactured homes, to skill-building for clean energy careers.
Among the projects receiving grants were:
City of Slayton: $2,500 for a City Library and Senior Center LED Retrofit.
Murray County 4-H: $5,000 for a lighting upgrade for the Murray County 4-H Building.
Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership: $8,000 for air source heat pump feasibility assessments.
United Community Action Partnership: $9,000 for the Home Education and Energy Saving Program.
West Central Initiative: $8,000 for a "What Fuels You? Ways That Make ‘Cents’" video series.