Bands from Minnesota, Iowa and South Dakota will convene on Luverne on Saturday to take part in the 70th annual Tri-State band festival.
The event will begin with a parade competition at 9:30 a.m. on Main Street in downtown Luverne. There will be 17 marching bands in the parade, including the Minnesota State University Marching Mavericks from Mankato.
Starting at 12:30 p.m., flags will wave, horns will blare and intricate maneuvers of 11 bands will be seen in the field competition on the Cardinal Football Field.
Participating bands from the region include Adrian-Ellsworth, Murray County Central, Pipestone, Worthington. George-Little Rock, Boyden-Hull and West Lyon. The Luverne middle and high school bands will host; more than 2,500 marching band students are expected to participate.
