Bituminous milling and overlay activities in Worthington are scheduled to begin as early as Tuesday.
The overlay street locations and order of work is as follows: 11th Street from Seventh Avenue to Eighth Avenue (first); 14th Street from Second Avenue to Fifth Avenue (second); and Milton Avenue from Clary Street to First Avenue (last)
Eleventh Street and Milton Avenue will be closed to traffic during construction activities.
Fourteenth Street will be closed to through traffic. Through traffic will be detoured to First Avenue, 12th Street and Fifth Avenue. Access to residents on 14th Street will alternate from the Second Avenue or Fifth Avenue intersections of 14th Street as construction progresses. Intersections with Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue at 14th Street will be closed for about one day during the project.
Streets will be open to local traffic when there is no construction activity (such as during nights, non-working days and weekends). No parking will be allowed when construction work is in progress. Paved areas will be reopened as soon as the new bituminous surface has adequately cooled.
Weather permitting and construction proceeding as planned, the work should be completed and traffic restored to normal in about five to seven days.