Tom and Joyce Soderholm, Worthington, were honored Wednesday night at the Nobles County Fair as the county’s 2023 Farm Family of the Year.
The Soderholm family farm has operated in Elk Township in Nobles County since the 1890s. Five generations of the family have farmed the land. The farm has always been a crop and livestock operation. In the 1940s, there was a registered Black Angus herd that lasted for more than 30 years.
The present farm includes Tom and Joyce, along with Tom’s brothers and nephews who raise hogs, cattle, corn and soybeans. The farm consists of family and individual-owned land. Some land that is worked by the Soderholm family is rented and some is custom farmed.
Tom and Joyce have three married daughters and sons-in-law. All the Soderholm daughters were active in 4-H growing up at the local, regional and state levels. Tom and Joyce met through 4-H. They also have eight grandchildren who love to help on the farm.
Additionally, Tom is a Nobles County Farm Bureau board member and serves on the Farm Bureau’s Promotion and Education Committee. He helped to start the local Ag in the Classroom effort. He served on the Producers Livestock Board for 15 years.
Joyce has been a 4-H leader and chair of the Interstate Exchange Program. She’s been a judge for a variety of state and local competitions including the Minnesota State Fair.
The recognition of the Soderholms as the 2023 Nobles County Farm Family of the Year came from Nobles County’s University of Minnesota Extension Committee.
