The agenda for Friday’s Worthington City Council meeting, scheduled for 5:30 p.m. in the city hall council chambers, appears to be light.
A pair of economic development-related items are on the agenda, and one pertains to the transfer of city-owned land to the Worthington Economic Development Authority. The EDA currently owns significant property north of Interstate 90 and west of U,S, 59. In 2015/2016, an extension of Bioscience Drive was constructed heading west from U.S. 59 to allow for future development of the area.
The city is now ready to file a plat to make this area ready for sale, but a very small triangular parcel of land owned by the city must be transferred to the EDA first.
Should council members move to approve this transfer, the matter will be then brought to the EDA to accept the property.
In the other economic development-related agenda item, council will consider changes to a final plat for property at 1530 Airport Road – the Prairie Justice Center. Council members last month approved a final plat at 1530 Airport Road that allows for the creation of two new parcels. Since that time, city staff has identified some additional easement needs to ensure the area can be adequately serviced with utilities in the future.
Also on today’s agenda is consideration of acceptance of Minnesota Department of Transportation grant agreement for airport improvements. Last December, council members approved a work order with Bolton and Menk Inc to replace REILS lights and do apron maintenance at the Worthington Municipal Airport. The work was contingent on receiving a Federal Aviation Administration grant to provide any eligible funding.
Staff has since received the FAA grant. The cost breakdown for the improvements is: FAA Eligible project cost $155,864; state DOT cost $8,659; city cost $12,258. The total project cost is not to exceed $176,782.