Nobles County’s COVID Incident Command Team has released its second COVID-19 update of the week, and the active caseload number has grown from 68 to 106.
Nobles County Emergency Management Director Tawn Hall said in a press release that with case numbers on the rise, the team continues to recommend following the CDC guidance and staying home when not feeling well. It also still encourages people to receive vaccinations as the Delta variant continues to spread.
Nobles County infection counts as reported by the Minnesota Department of Health on Thursday were 4,350 total confirmations, up 41 from the report earlier this week. A total of 4,194 cases are past 10-day isolation. There have been 50 reported COVID-19 deaths, and 106 people are currently infected and still within their 10-day isolation period.
The 106 known, currently-infected residents fall into the following age ranges and are indicated along with the change from the previous report: birth-age 10, 14 (up six); 11-15, four (up three); 16-19, seven (up four); 20-25, eight (up four); 26- 50. 47 (up 25); 51-64, 19 (up six); and ages 65 and older, seven (same).
While encouraging vaccinations, the county’s COVID Incident Command Team is still encouraging people to monitor friends and loved ones, as mental health instability is a COVID-related issue. COVID stress related to distancing and/or economic impacts are detrimental to mental health.
Contact Nobles County (Public Health) at 295-5213 if interested in receiving a vaccine and/or with questions regarding receiving a vaccine.
