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Next Operation Round Up deadline is Feb. 11

The next deadline is Feb. 11 for Operation Round Up funds from Federated Rural Electric’s Trust Board.

Operation Round Up involves about 77 percent of Federated's members in Jackson and Martin counties; they allow their monthly electric bills to be rounded up to the nearest dollar amount. The "rounded up" change goes into a trust fund. An independent trust board consisting of Federated members, evaluates local funding requests and distributes the funds.

The application form can be downloaded from Federated’s website: You can also call Federated at 507-847-3520 or 1-800-321-3520. Ask for Andrea to request an application (or e-mail:

Since 1995 Federated's Trust Board has distributed more than $815,000 to local organizations including senior dining, hospice, fire/ambulance departments and as high school scholarships.

Federated members with high school seniors can apply for the Federated Operation Round Up scholarships. The trust board authorized nine $700 scholarships with one for each of the six Federated districts and three for district at-large where applicants have a second chance. The inserts will go out with the Feb. 4 electric bills.

The application is also found on Federated’s website or with school counselors by Feb. 6. Scholarship applications are due back by March 25.

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