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Lewis & Clark ribbon cutting is Tuesday in Sheldon

A ribbon-cutting ceremony will be hosted at the Lewis & Clark Regional Water System’s (L&C) new meter building in Sheldon starting at 11 a.m. Tuesday to celebrate the City being connected to L&C. The address is 600 N. Second Ave.


“Sheldon began receiving water on Dec. 19th, but we wanted to wait until the weather was nicer to celebrate this momentous milestone that was close to 34 years in the making,” said Executive Director Troy Larson.


Among the speakers confirmed to attend are U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst, U.S. Rep. Randy Feenstra and Mayor Greg Geels. Bureau of Reclamation officials from Washington, D.C, Billings and Bismarck will also be in attendance, as well as many community leaders.


Sheldon has reserved 1.3 million gallons a day (MGD) from L&C, which supplements the City’s existing water supply. An expansion of L&C currently underway will provide Sheldon with an additional 756,000 gallons per day.

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