Multiple engineering matters are among the agenda items slated for consideration during Monday’s Worthington City Council meeting.
The council is scheduled to address a construction contract for federal Transportation Alternative Program trail projects located at Prairie Elementary and Cecilee Street. Two bids were received for the project, one for $177,540 and the other for $220,161.50. Both are more than the engineer’s estimate of $132,112.75; staff and project consultant Short Elliot Hendrickson have recommended the awarding of the contract to the low bidder.
Another action related to the planned trail projects pertains to federally required inspection and testing of the work being performed. Because of the staffing level needed for the work as well as the complexity of the requirements, the city will consider an agreement with Short Elliot Hendrickson to provide administrative services for an amount not to exceed $24,655.00.
Also scheduled for Monday night is the awarding of bids for reconstruction of Eighth Avenue, including the replacement of the water main on Eighth Avenue between Ninth and 10th streets. The bid included three schedules: all work except pavement construction, bituminous pavement and concrete pavement. Two bids were received, and all schedules were below the engineer’s estimate. The council will consider three options for the project: reject all the bids and not award the contract; award the contract accepting the base bid and the bituminous pavement option; or award the contract accepting the base bid and concrete pavement option.
The council will also consider a state-required resolution of construction plans for turning lanes along County State Aid Highways 10 and 35 at the new intermediate school and middle school. The county plans to construct a right-turn lane along the west side of CSAH 10 in front of the intermediate school and widen CSAH 35 on the north side of the road to construct a left-turn lane on the north side of the middle school.
