The City of Worthington is in the process of applying for Transportation Alternatives (TA) Grant Funds from the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
The proposed project includes construction of a trail from Lake Street at Second Avenue to Trunk Highway 60 crossing under the Union Pacific Railroad Tracks, along Sherwood Street on city property, along East Lake Boulevard to Nobles Street, and connecting to the existing trail at intersection of Nobles Street at Trunk Highway 60. The Minnesota Transportation Alternatives Program provides grant funding up to 80 percent of the construction costs for the construction of pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure projects. The grant funding available is $1.6 million in 2027.
The program does require a 20 percent local match, and grants are paid on a reimbursable basis. The project is anticipated to cost $750,000 for construction, and $187,000 for Project development and construction oversight. These costs are not eligible for grant funding.
The program application requires a resolution of support and a resolution for maintaining the facility for its useful life from the city council, which took such action during its Monday night meeting,