Worthington High School hosted its Snowcoming Coronation Monday afternoon at the high school.
Honored as Snowcoming Queen and King were Kendra Chantharath and Dylan Dykstra. Other Senior Queen candidates were Mery Ramos, Sara Esquivel, Bailey Ahlquist-Stier, Marin Pederson and Madison Beckmann. Other Senior King candidates were Kyle Ahrenstorff, Kaleb Knothe, Caden Van Briesen, Andrew Mulder and Zach Hayenga.
Recognized as junior attendants were Alex Galvez and Peyton Nickel. Sophomore attendants were Alaina Feit and Tethlouch Gach, and freshman attendants were Saul Galvez and Kaitlyn Mulder.
MCs for Monday's Snowcoming Coronation were Alondra Leon Flores, Zueika Monjaraz, Addison Gerber and Madeline Petersen. Quinn Benz and Sahyra Talamantes asked questions of the court.
Snowcoming activities continue throughout the week at the high school.