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UCAP anticipating money for food, shelter programs

United Community Action Partnership Inc., on behalf of Jackson, Redwood, Cottonwood, Lincoln, Murray, Rock, Pipestone and Nobles counties, is anticipating Federal funds under the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program Phase 40 to supplement emergency food and shelter programs in the area. The selection will be made by a local board that consists of representatives from the Salvation Army, American Red Cross, Council of Jewish Federations, Catholic Charities, USA National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. Local non-profits Lutheran Social Services and United Community Action Partnership will provide the administrative staff. Selected grantees will be required to establish an EFSP account to become considered a Local Recipient Organization (LRO). Under the terms of the grant from the National Board, local government or private voluntary organizations chosen to receive funds must be non-profit, have an accounting system and conduct and annual audit, practice non-discrimination., and have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and /or shelter programs. If they are a private voluntary organization, they must have a voluntary board.

Further information may be obtained by contacting Heather Jeseritz, United Community Action Partnership Inc., at (320) 235-0850 Ext. 1306. Written requests stating intended use of funds and amount requested must be received by April 6, 2023. Direct all correspondence to: United Community Action Partnership Inc., Attn: Heather, 200 SW 4th St, Willmar MN 56201 or

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