There were multiple election races across Nobles County, including the city of Adrian. It was David Edwards winning the mayoral election in that community, as he got 283 votes (or 63.9%) compared to John Faber's 158 votes (35.7%).
In Brewster, Randy Schmitz won the mayor's race by getting 128 votes (or 72.3%) compared to Jay Peterson's 47 votes (26.6%). In the matchup for Ellsworth mayor, Colette Smythe got 71.9%% (or 123 votes) to defeat Joel Farrell. who had 28.1% (or 48 votes).
Voters chose between four candidates to fill two seats on the Adrian City Council. Dylan Carlberg and Steven Kellen were elected, defeating third-place Ron Lonneman and Orvin Green. Three individuals were seeking two council seats in Bigelow, and Stacie Golombiecki and Kayla Markus came out on top over Andrew Boneschans.
In Rushmore, four people were running for two city council spots. Nicole Reiter and Benjamin DeVries were the front-runners; Anthony Lumsden was third and Kelvin Solomon fourth.
Additional results from across the state of Minnesota can be seen by checking out the Minnesota Secretary of State website.
