A public hearing on the city of Worthington’s 2022 bituminous improvement project is among the items on the agenda for Monday’s 7 p.m. Worthington City Council meeting.
The project includers multiple locations that encompass portions of Apel Avenue, Bristol Street, Cynthia Avenue, Eleanor Street and West Oxford Street. The city share for non-assessable costs associated with the project are $817,340.46; they are $9,288.97 for assessable costs. Assessments receivable for the project are $357,224.91 for a total cost of $1,183,854.34.
Three other engineering items are also on the city council agenda for Monday. One is consideration of approval of plans for Oxford Street reconstruction from McMillan Street to Smith Avenue that will provide for a four-lane roadway with left-turn lanes and an 8-foot pedestrian/bicycle trail on both sides of the roadway with a grass boulevard. The anticipated substantial completion date for this project is Nov. 15, with the contract completion date of June 1, 2023. The estimated total cost of the project, including engineering and contingencies, is $4,456,000. The funding for this project will be $3,048,000 in federal funds and $1,390,000 in state aid funds split between Nobles County and the city, as well as $18,000 in utility funds.
The city council will also consider the approval of plans for the improvement of Eighth Avenue from Ninth Street to the westerly terminus, including the replacement of the water main from Ninth Street to 10th Street.
In an economic development matter, council members will consider a request for a conditional use permit for The Globe’s office building at 300 11th Street. Tsadkane Mariam Ethiopian Orthodox Church has applied for a conditional use permit to operate a church in the existing building. The city’s Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the requested conditional use permit subject to conditions during its March 1 meeting.
The Church has a history of trying to find a suitable space to renovate or build new. It was denied a conditional use permit in 2018 for property located across from Olson Park and instead bought five acres of land from the city of Worthington on West Gateway Drive/Plotts Avenue. Due to membership and funding changes, the church is unable to afford to build on the property.
Presently, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church rents space inside First Lutheran Church. We Care Day Care & Preschool also occupies space in First Lutheran Church and would like to take over the space the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is leasing to expand their daycare operations.
