U.S. Rep. Jim Hagedorn introduced a resolution Wednesday recognizing the two-year anniversary of the November 2019 massacre in Iran known as “Bloody November,” condemning the Iranian regime for murdering their own civilians and calling on the Biden Administration to update its report that lowered the death toll from this attack. On Nov. 15, 2019, Iranian citizens began protesting the government-mandated increase of fuel prices. As civilians took to the streets to peacefully protest the rise in fuel prices, many chanted in support of the Pahlavi Dynasty Legacy and the pro-Western and pro-Democracy ideals that inspired their call to action.Two days later, the protests reached the capital city of Tehran calling for the end of the regime and Supreme Leader Khamenei, who ordered security forces to do “whatever it takes” to end these protests – including the shooting of unarmed protesters. The Trump Administration released a report citing a Reuters article that as many as 1,500 civilians were killed by Iranian state security forces. However, in March 2021, the Biden Administration released a revised report that cited Amnesty International’s death toll as o304. Hagedorn is joined by 36 members of the House of Representatives in lending support to the measure.
