Federated Rural Electric is currently seeking applications for its Operation Round Up program, which is designed to provide financial assistance to non-profit organizations in the surrounding communities of Jackson and Martin counties.
Through the voluntary Operation Round Up program, nearly 80 percent of the members of Federated Rural Electric have elected to have their electric bills rounded up to the nearest dollar. An independent trust board, which consists of Federated members, evaluates local funding requests and distributes the funds. Since 1995 Federated's Trust Board has distributed more than $810,000 to local organizations including senior dining, hospice, fire/ambulance departments and high school scholarships.
Organizations can request funds for projects involving community service, community leadership programs, disaster relief, environmental programs, youth education and emergency-energy assistance.
Federated notes that the fall funding will be larger than normal due to the estates of past members donating wholesale power supplier capital credits to Operation Round Up.
The deadline for submitting applications is Sept. 17. Call Federated Rural Electric at (507) 847-3520 or 1-800-321-3520, visit its website (www.federatedrea.coop) or emai; info@federatedrea.coop to request an application.